Running a Children’s Dance Franchise- Tiffany Matthews

Running a Children's Dance Franchise

Toddler dance classes farehamName  Tiffany Matthews
Location  Fareham, Hampshire
Family  Husband and 2 lovely girls!

How often do you work?

I do classes and admin 3 days a week on a Monday, Tuesday and Friday!

How does the job fit around your family life? 

Tappy Toes completely fits around my family life. I timetable classes when I have childcare and around the school runs. Most weekends are spent with my family, apart from party and events bookings, so we have quality time together. I get to take my girls to pre-school and school, and pick them up each day. My daughters love to join in with Tappy Toes if I do any holiday classes or when they are not at -pre-school, and it’s lovely seeing them enjoying it too! Tappy Toes has enabled me to be there more for my girls and concentrate on being Mum, whilst having fun and challenging myself in between!

How much time do you commit?

Currently 3 days a week, and sometimes some odd hours here and there. I will commit more time once my youngest has started school!  I also have a teacher who delivers classes on the days I don’t so this has helped me expand, but also get a work/life balance.

Where do you carry out your work?

I do all my admin work at home in my study. All my ideas start in here! I run my classes in community centres and halls not more than 30 mins from home.

childrens dance franchise work life balanceDo you need a car?

Yes! If you want to take classes in different venues and be able to get to and from easily with all your props bags!

Do you advertise?

Yes, mostly on Facebook. I do list my classes on lots of different parenting and childrens class websites too. My venues are often posting on social media for me and are always happy to hand out flyers too. Tappy Toes is also advertised nationally through head office, which is great!

Do you get support/training?

Yes, lots!  I initially had 2 days in person training with Claire, where we covered so many things including, the syllabus, marketing, setting up emails, listing your classes and our database system. The training is very personalised and flexible to your needs. I needed more time to digest all the business side of things and I think that’s where Tappy toes is fantastic. Claire is experienced and will tailor things around you. The rest of the training was done online, via zoom. She is only ever a phone call away if you are feeling unsure about anything. All the other franchisees are friendly and supportive too so you are never alone. Tappy Toes has a real team vibe! 

Are there any downsides to the role?

Nope! It’s great fun!

Why would you recommend this opportunity to other mums?

Your little ones aren’t little for long and you should make the most of the time you have with them!  There are not many jobs that are as flexible and fun as Tappy Toes. If you are an active person that enjoys dancing you will love it. You get to meet lots of parents and families that are a joy to spend time with and watch other’s little ones grow into confident people!  Building up your own business is a challenge that can really push you out of your comfort zone and achieve things you didn’t think you could. It’s totally worth it.

dance franchise officeDescribe your typical day as a Tappy Toes franchisee

My typical day starts off getting my girls ready for school/ preschool. We then pack up the car with all my Tappy Toes things (I have quite a few bags!) and off we go on the school runs. Once dropped off I head to my venue for the day and set up for classes. All my props bags are lined up in order and Flora the fish is ready for bubble time! I teach up to 3 classes of different levels (Teenys to Tots) and dance around with some superstars for a couple of hours. I get to wiggle with them, watch their faces in amazement and celebrate when they do things for the first time.

We always finish with a big bow!

After getting very hot I pack all my things away and head home. I normally get a couple of hours admin in. This could be marketing, taking bookings, preparing uniform orders or organising my social media posts. I often empty the dishwasher and put some washing on in between too! Then it’s time for the school runs and Mum time again with dinner and baths!

Anything else you’d like to add?

I have always loved dance and truly believe it can offer little ones so much. It is great being able to build a business in the community around this and see the progress and achievements that little ones can make. Tappy Toes is fun, heart warming and it can’t help but make you happy!

See Tiffany's time table and book a dance class with her here!

Tappy toes SEN dance class toddler sensory props

Award Winning Music, movement, and dance classes for children from 6 months to 6 years

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